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December 20, 2024



It’s dreary outside here! From my office window I see gray skies, and there’s a chance of snow tonight.


My view of the day is my last day of work until Jan!! Hoping to much knitting and relaxing done


Looks like today will be great here - blue skies as far as the eye can see - which is great because I'm going kayaking later today. Should be in the high 50s so hope I don't get too warm! What a weird Christmas. I don't think we've even had a good freeze yet.

Cathy Bruno

Greetings from Denver! Sunny today with a high of 61F!


A light dusting of snow with more to come during the day. Going to be more of the picturesque variety than the problem variety.

Becky Holmes

It snowed last night and now it's really windy. And cold!


100% heavy overcast and absolutely no snow. At least the grass is green?

Filomena Hack

It’s a pretty snowfall here in Ontario. Brightens everything.


My view is the office cube. Last day until Jan 2. I plan to do a lot of knitting while off!! Knitting will happen after our boys are here this weekend!! Merry Christmas!!


We have very light snow after several warmer days that melted much of the 38” of snow we had last week. We are in for a very cold weekend with a high of 15-18° on Sunday! Will we have a white Christmas? Only time will tell!


My outside view is snow covered and the inside view is a stack of presents that need wrapped.

As someone once said, "Wrapping presents is folding laundry's a**hole cousin." -

Of course I have laundry to do as well 😂


Living in Metro Detroit Mi. woke up to a little snow just enough to be annoying. Glad I am not working today because people can be annoying around here with the weather going goofy and it is close to XMAS

Jennifer P

A dreary view from my window. Forecast is snow by early afternoon. That will put everyone in a holiday mood. I will get my errands done before the snow, then stay in and wrap before shoveling time.

Barbara J.

Checking the weather/road conditions before I head out to volunteer this morning for the last shift in 2024... frigid single-digit weekend ahead which should guarantee at least enough snow for a White Christmas but nothing too drastic (lake effect!) for family traveling!


Yes! Chicago suburbs got a little dusting. My kids are in still in Indiana for the football game tonight - brrrrr!


Rain, rain, rain and perhaps some wind too!


Some snow, and my adorable kitten

Kelsey Huynh

Sad and rainy over here! Cold but not enough for snow- I wish it was all snow! It would have been so great!

Bernadette Burk

We're waiting for snow to start falling. Iron gray skies and a wicked chill in the air. The kind that makes you turn back into the house for forgotten mittens and a hat.

Andrea Weiss

Woke up to a clear sky and a fresh nearly half foot of snow after our first storm significant storm of the season yesterday in Minnesota. We've had a lot of gray lately, so it's nice to see the blue sky. It's still out, and the snow is still blanketing all the trees. Beautiful! I'm happy we'll have a white Christmas.

Jennifer Banniettis

It looks pretty cold here today! Definitely going to have a White Christmas in northern Maine! Ya gotta love winter to live here ❤️

Pat Phythian

Sunny with highs in the 60’s; lows in the 40’s through Sunday. Warming up next week, with Christmas Day in the 70’s.

Kim Baker

Cool and sunny. Backyard full of birds and some deer.

Nancy Mazgajewski

I live on the east coast of FL. For the past week we have had our share of rainy, gloomy days. So much rain that one day it shorted out the outlet that our Christmas lights were plugged into outdoors. I originally hail from Buffalo, NY and I do miss a white Christmas or dusting of snow in December.


And 20 minutes later it is SNOWING! YAY!

Katherine Anderson

It’s true-I actually gasped when I walked in! As I live in Massachusetts I have one visited in person once but it was glorious and a bit overwhelming, to be honest, AND expensive! 😂 To win 4 skeins of Madelinetosh would like Christmas and birthday rolled into one!!🤞🤞

Denise Blackburn

Big fluffy snowflakes are falling here in Ohio. Not much accumulation predicted, it is beautiful out and puts me in the Christmas spirit!

Emily B

My view is a snowy view of the city! The snow is so fluffy!


Clear blue sky and planning to warm up to the mid 60's (f). Unseasonably warm.


Snow!! Presently from the parking lot of the grocery to pick up some supplies for baking!

Katherine Anderson

My view is ‘meh’ - no snow, dampish and cloudy but not raining. However it is a full 10-12 degrees colder than yesterday and about 20 degrees colder than Wednesday. The Northeast is having weird weather!


Light snow in Noblesville and overcast

Haley McCaffery

Sunny and weirdly warm for December in Colorado. Hoping for a least a few snowflakes on Xmas.


It's nice frosty 59° this morning. Not too cold but cold enough!


My view is pretty much the same as yours....guess it figures since I'm in Indiana too. Grey and snowy

Angeli Hsu-Mackey

Our little Japanese maple was waving it's glorious red for 2 weeks in the middle of December, just outside our window, showing off it's beauty for all to see, it has finally shed all of its leaves over night. The message: winter is here, it is timed almost with the winter solstice (12/21), sad, the year 2024 is on its way out. Transition into a new season is always by of knitting for me, so knit on into 2025.


It’s snowy here today! Snow is clinging to our pine trees and the woods looks magical! Beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎄!


No snow here only rain. I watched the sun rise above the Pacific ocean and I'll be walking with my bernadoodle through the forest after I go for a swim at our local indoor pool.

Holly G

We got a little bit of snow last night, but that won't deter people from mobbing the mall where I work.


Right now out my window is sunny and 39 degrees. The forecast for later on says snow, but I’m in New England so that changes quickly.


I am watching my new TV show outside my window. It's called "The Bird Feeder". I think the mourning doves are bullies. YES, i am now bitd feeder years old.


I'm looking out of my office window, and right now I have beautiful snow falling--the good kind that makes me feel like I'm in a snow globe. I don't think it's cold enough that it'll stick, which is great!


My view this week has really depe ded on the moment because the temps are every where from 76° to 43° and either windy, raining, or dreary. That is the o ly downfall to cooler weather in Texas, it comes with too much rain and dreary. It does nit change the fact though that I love to sip my coffee or tea and look out at all the lights each night though. I just love Christmas


It's snowing a little bit here in Ohio.

Teresa M.

It’s gray and cold and gloomy today, but it’s supposed to snow later, which will help it seem less gloomy.

Lily Traveler

Very mild here, no hope for a white Christmas this year. I put Miracle on 34th on so my view has suddenly become more holiday 💚❤️ jealous of those with a snowy view this morning, but keeping the holiday spirit 🎄


It's cloudy, and we're forecast to get a dusting of snow in Ohio. It hasn't shown up yet where I live.

Amanda Pham

My view has a blanket of snow but the sun is peeking through near lake michigan.

Renee S

My view in AZ is beautiful blue skies with a few wispy clouds. It is a crisp 50 at the moment and the high today is supposed to be 75.

Mary Kay Ross

Bright, sunny and very cold after our first real snowfall of the season which created snarl of traffic and a multitude of traffic incidents.

Monica Wesley

It's a beautiful, snowy day here in Muncie, too! It looks like a winter wonerland!


We have wet, heavy sticky snow, and the kids at the bus stop were tossing snowballs.
My granddaughter was protected better than anyone, because I just finished her hat made with Simply Socks yarn I bought online!!
Knitting for the win!!

Kate S

I am looking at a dreary cloudy day. And my computer.


in Baltimore and it's snowing!

Janice Rider

30's cloudy and wind snow burst this afternoon.


Snow! It’s snowing in Michigan. Already shoveled two driveways. But since it’s still snowing, there is more shoveling in my future. ❄️

Meg Barkley

It’s snowing outside, but the temp is playing games and it might turn to rain depending on how warm it actually gets today.


My view is snow falling. I live in the county so it’s beautiful as it fall and sticks to trees. Inside the fire is going and the tree and Christmas village is lit.

Melissa G

It’s snowing, the flakes are pretty.


Sunny now but clouds moving in this afternoon ahead of a cold front which brings a high temperature tomorrow of 34 degrees. Sadly, no snow. The good thing is no ice!

Diane  B

After a few days in the 70’s it’s back to the 50’s, a little cloudy. …but that means staying indoors to knit, sew, and bake cookies. Looking forward to the fireplace on Sunday as we wake up to mid 20’s.
I luv MadTosh, especially their DK. One of my WIP’s is a scarf in Toasted Pecan..a luscious gold :). I can only imagine the view in your shop ! Thank you .


Days have a big range in temperature. Today right now it is 47 and I expect we’ll get to 77. It is sunny with no chance of rain or snow. It is always strange to me when winter weather goes from cold to hot, rather than freezing cold to cold. I’ve lived in those places where it went from below zero to freezing. Cold is cold and you dress for cold.
Cold to hot and you dress in layers.


Just started snowing here as I opened this post!

Maybe that will bring me luck😂😂😂

Abby J

It’s snowing out. Not a pretty snow, but a gross half-melted and barely present snow… at least the roads are clear, though


Sunny and cool outside. My view for the day will be my computer. Madly trying to get work done before the end of the year. (I'm a bookkeeper) Looking forward to some knitting time on Sunday.

Amber Strait

We’re finally really getting some nice snow in central Indiana!! Love cozy snowy winters here. Merry Christmas!!🎄


No snow for me. I’ve had enough of that in my lifetime. Now we have 77 degrees today. More my style!


Very gray skies, the wind blowing with 20-25 mph gusts. Temp 31 degrees. Feels like 20 degrees. Nothing picturesque like snow suppose to arrive. Definitely need a heavy wool sweater, hat and gloves. Brrrrrrrr!


Grey and drizzly in Philadelphia.


It’s cold but clear today. Hoping for some snow eventually.

Wendy Pence

Just gray & chilly here in Central KY. Meh!

Pat B.

It's mainly overcast with light snow, but not much of a view as the sun is currently coming up at 10:15 a.m. and going down at 3:40 p.m. We're looking forward to solstice. ;-)

Elissa Schoening

sadly, no snow yet in NE PA. We have a winter weather advisory for the next 24 hrs with only 1-3" predicted. :-(
I do love a good snow storm!


My view currently is my computer as I am at work and do not have a window... so I really have to live vicariously through others...


Grey and foggy in Oregon, but at least it isn't raining.

Sabrina Snyder

I am currently sitting in my basement apartment knitting my advent socks. My view is of beautiful yarn!


We have a slight dusting of snow with temperatures DROPPING today! I had to turn the furnace up!! A great day to knit some socks with a cup of tea!! 🧶 💜 🫖


It’s a little dreary here today with a rainy snow mix. Getting ready to make Chex mix and puppy chow for our family party tomorrow.

Dora Orcutt

Here in the mountains of NE TN it is cloudy and cold, with a forecast of snow this evening. For now it’s just blah 😑 outside. We aren’t expected to have a white Christmas, which is disappointing, as the temperatures will warm up to the 50s by then.


60 degrees and sunshine


We have some flurries coming down for the coming holidays! It's finally a bit of winter weather compared to the recent rain.


It’s snowing and I’m sitting in the enclosed patio listening to Christmas music and knitting.

Kristi Baran

My view is a mile away from the shop, so it's snowy and lovely :)

Deb North

My view is from a friend's basement, where my husband and I have been living since our home had water damage back in March. Still waiting on repairs...but our friends provided me with an Ott light and I am knitting away while listening to Christmas music. Knitting helps the soul!

Chris Pfeiffer

It’s gloomy and rainy today in Dayton, but I have my favorite sycamore tree outside my window and am watching the squirrels run up and down the branches. They never stop!


Snowing here in the Indianapolis area. Beautiful big fluffy snowflakes. Melting on streets and sidewalks though.

Lynne Wardrop

My current view is highly distorted as my eyes are being dilated & I just had to hand off my knitting to my husband. My seeing eye hubby will take good care of it until I can see again. Light snow falling here.


It is 40 and sunny right now. It will reach 60 by afternoon!

Debra Cohen

Today is very grey!! It is starting to get colder and there is drizzle and possible snow flurries in the forecast. I am doing my best to brighten the day by baking cookies.

Cindy L.

Cold and dreary in suburban Maryland today. With a special bonus of sleet to keep things interesting. Great day to work on socks and finishing up knitted gifts!

Robin Caudill

I am in Central Ohio teaching the last day of middle school before break and the view outside is gloomy but inside there is LOTS of energy!


Warm and humid down south. Chance of Christmas snow……zip…..nada!

Lisa B

Here in southwest MI close to the IN border we awoke in a glorious snow globe. It lightly snowed overnight and every surface is covered with white fluffiness. Magical.

Lael Wilson

We had our first real snow of the season yesterday here in west central Wisconsin, so I’m having my morning coffee looking out at my snowy deck. Oops. Just noticed the bird feeders need to be filled!

Hilda C

I live in AZ so this morning the weather is beautiful. Blue sky, probably in the 50s right now (around 9am). When I walked this morning, it was around 46 degrees, cool for us, but I love seeing the sun rise.

Linda F

It's snowing big, beautiful flakes, and I love it! The pond has unfrozen and the contrast is striking. You have to sit and knit on a morning like this! Have fun with your kiddos on break!

Karen Judge

Today in south Louisiana it’s sunny with a high in the laid 60’s. First frost of the season tonight and school gets out at noon today. So it will be sunny and loud until 1/7/25.

Carole Smith

Here in Fort Wayne with you. The snow is beautiful. My bird feeders are always very popular on snowy days. I love watching the birds fly back and forth. My boys are grown, so the house Is always too quiet. Enjoy those moments when your son has his friends over.


I live in Northeast Ohio. Early this morning we had some light snow flurries but it did not accumulate. Currently it's 36° and overcast.


Today it has gotten cold. Winter feelings for winter solstice is so appropriate! It is a little dreary though with no sunshine.

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