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June 17, 2024



Ooh! So many new things and some favorites!

Dana Snyder

I’m so excited for La Bien Aimée!! I was just in Paris and the temperatures were perfect! It’s a bit warmer now in the south but I have never had a chance to find the shop in Paris! I can’t wait!


I have a couple of balls of the Tiger, which was actually from the second time Opal included it in a collection. People were going nuts trying to get it. The Tiger from the first collection sold out that fast. I’m pretty sure it’s the only time they included a colorway in more than collection. But this Tiger looks different than what I have (I like it more). And there are a few others that I like & missed the first time around.

Denise Walsh-Horowitz

I am so happy Opal will be releasing the old colors. My husband will now have his favorite socks that he wore to death, will be back in his drawer!


I am definitely interested in some of those Opal,Rainforest yarns! My husband’s old Tiger Jaywalkers bit the dust many years ago, “too much love” as he just said now. He loves orange, so I may have to get some of the others,too. Thank you so much for the heads-up!

Audrey Wright

La Bien Aimèe! Oui oui! I’m so excited!!!💗💕

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