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December 17, 2023



Colored lights and a Moravian star out front; assorted Santas and Christmas sheets on the beds inside.

Cheryl Thompson

We put up a tree and decorate the mantle with snowmen that I’ve collected through the years! We also put lighted greenery on the mailbox.


We decorate a small tree inside and put up lights outside. The tree inside has lots of miniature knitware on it!


We put up a tree, have lights hung on the outside, snowmen & angels scattered throughout the house.

Teresa Knittingdancer

I decorate for all of the holidays especially Christmas inside and outside of the house. I may the only one who sees it but it brings me joy each and every day just looking at the decorations.


I decorate my entire house, even the bathroom. I love Christmas! I jyst love all the lights and decorations!


Not as much as in the past. Small tree inside with
favorite ornaments and a wreath outside front door.
Enjoy all outdoor lights neighbors put up.


I don’t decorate because I’m the only one here.


We hang outdoor lights, and decorate the mantle with garlands, pinecone lights and woodland birds and creatures after Thanksgiving. The tree goes up in mid-December and is decorated with ornaments collected over the last 44 years of marriage and also some 1940s ones from my husband's parents. And there is always the creche on the coffee table.


We have a tree, and some decorations on the mantle and scattered on bookshelves. Plus a wreath on the front door.


Dont decorate like we used to. It is just me and my Mom. We have ceramic xmas tree and a Snoopy xmas tree that I got from a store a few years ago. Some years we do but alot of time this holiday stuff gets too quick.


This is my second Christmas as a widow. I have 3 trees up - big, small and tiny. All white light but no ornaments. The stockings are hung on the mantle. I have gone to several holiday concerts and am at peace. It is warm and comforting. Knitting again and finding joy.

Karen F

I don’t decorate much. We do put up a tree and hang stockings. This time of year is hard for me.


Since I have been living in tiny apartments and moving frequently for the last ten years or so, I haven't had much physical or mental room for decorations, but I have always aspired to have a fully kitted out living space. In the last few years I have slowly begun collecting Christmas ornaments with the hope that soon I will have a forever home of my own to fill with tokens from friends and the things I love.

Rose Birchall

Did less outside this year. Put the tree up earlier. A real tree, hope it lasts to Little Christmas.


A little, but not this year. I just surgery in the past week and another issue a few days later requiring wound treatment at urgent care, and I'm out of spoons. I got out one little LED ceramic tree, and that's all this year. Maybe next year if I'm in better health.


White lights outside, wreath on the door, tree, mantle and a collection of nutcrackers. Love the look and feeling festive but I'm not too fond of decorating the tree! Usually have to bribe one of the kids to help

Diana Lichvarik

With the kids out of the house I no longer put up a tree. We just decorate with some lights and a wreath outside. Merry Christmas!


Love my Christmas decorations! Less outside. Favorites are the nativity scene my dad made for me and the stockings my mom helped me with- cherished even more now that they are gone.


I decorate with wreaths and outdoor evergreen pots. No tree this year.


Christmas lights! Plus an evergreen wreath which hangs over our fireplace all year, until it's replaced by a fresh one the next year.


I love my Christmas decorations!! Even though it’s mostly just for me, I do still decorate. I have a small tree that is decorated with all homemade decorations, made either by myself, my daughter when she was a little girl, or friends and other crafters. A tiny tree on the bathroom counter decorated with lights and decorations that people have bought for me. I have all different types of non-traditional Santas collected over the years, along with greenery, that adorn the shelves in my home. I also have hand knit stockings for my daughter and her husband. But since we are getting older my husband doesn’t hang lights outside on the house, but he puts out two lighted deer near our front door that also has a lighted wreath.


We do simple decorations- a few sentimental things inside, a fresh wreath on the front door, and colorful lights outside.


P.S. I love your mantle with all the glass trees in different sizes, and how you’ve displayed them. Beautiful!!

Amy Chapman

We have a tree and stockings that's about it. Our tree has crochet and free standing lace snowflakes. The fun part is watching my cat sleep on the tree skirt and attack the presents. Apparently he thinks that ita all for him. Thankfully he doesn't try to climb the tree, bit o do put cat safe ornaments dangling at the bottom limbs.


I really relate to Yvonne's comments about the ceramic and the Snoopy trees. I am the only human in the house. Everyone else takes great joy in dismantling decorations.


I do lots of decorating although I've cut it back some since the kids moved out. I have a pencil tree on my enclosed porch and my regular tree in the living room, with my Santa collection on the mantle. A few other odds and ends about and my Christmas quilts throughout the house. I love Christmas!

Sandra Sprouse

I don’t decorate very much, but I am doing some Grinch decorations this year.


My current level of cat in the house (new kitten!) doesn't allow for much decorating, but I do have a small wooden tree with bells.

I know I have helped others decorate this year, though, as they've told me they're going to use my crochet as part of their holiday decor, which is always fun to hear :)

Lisa Smith

Yes! We decorate inside and out. Our house is on a holiday lights tour so we try to make the outside fun.


Yes! We put up an artificial Christmas tree, topped with a star from our first Christmas together over 50 years ago. We put old-fashioned bubble lights on the tree. I have a collection of ornaments (which I started collecting as a child), but this year our tree is not holding any of the fragile glass ornaments because we will have two toddlers and a dog visiting. Instead, this year the tree is decorated with hand-made non-fragile ornaments including sewn fabric or felt, knitted, cross-stitch, and the like. It’s like going down memory lane looking at all the decorations I have made over the decades!

I also have a mantle full of gnomes and trees I have knitted. They have actually expanded to fill a nearby shelf, too.


I haven't decorated for a couple years, but I think I'll get a Norfolk Pine for indoors this year. My son & DIL have gotten me some memorable ornaments the past couple years and I need to display them!


I do decorate an inside tree and a few kick knacks on crochet doilies. Not much room in a small apartment but do like my old handmade ornaments. Crocheted ornaments, doiles by my grandmother and mother.


Yes! Two trees: a vintage aluminum tree full of mcm ornaments and then a real tree we cut down full of family ornaments. Plus a lovely mix of handmade and vintage Christmas decor. It makes my heart happy for one month of the year and then it’s back to simple decor for the next 11!


Yes, a tree and a few other things around the house. New to our tree this year are a few hand knit sweater ornaments. They were so fun to make!


When we moved into our new house I bought a pre-lit skinny tree for my collection of Margaret Furlong 3" angels. A spool of 2" sheer gold wire edged ribbon and a skirt of white fleece with metallic gold dots finishes everything off nicely.

For the next year I knit each of us stockings to hang on the mantle. This year I'm going to knit a few stars using fairy lights (Laura Nelkin's Starry Light pattern) to hang out on our screened porch.


Smaller trees throughout the house. Easy to put up and take down,


Oh, yes, I decorate for Christmas. I've made so many ornaments and decorations over the years that it's fun to see them and remember making them.
Your mantle is beautiful!


We decorate quite a bit indoor and outdoors. This year we added permanent outdoor lighting that we can change through an app.

jacqueline myers

We live in a log cabin and I decorate with a North Woods theme. We also put up icicle lights inside the house when daylight savings time starts and we take them down when daylight savings time returns. Really helps with those long winter nights.


I don’t decorate because I live alone now and because this is a very sad time of year for me.

M Reedstrom

We decorate a tree and put lights up. Also we do window candles.

Brenna Delosier

We decorate a tree. We also have some large size nutcrackers we place around the house. Don’t decorate outside after getting things stolen more than once.

Jane Stevenor

Our decorations vary from year to year. Sometimes we barely get a tree up. This year we have 3, decorated by my husband. He loves Christmas!

Tabitha Burks

I do decorate for the holiday season! I usually help to decorate the Christmas tree and my family’s house.


I don't decorate as much as I used to but we do put up a Christmas tree every year.
I put the nativity scene. And then I have a few small things scattered around; a Santa pillow, a snowman candle, and a sleigh that holds our Christmas cards.
I love watching the lights twinkle on the tree!


I kept it simple this year: tree, stockings, and candles in the windows


We do a tree with lights and more ornaments than anyone thinks possible. I have a ton of fairy lights strung up and in glass jars. And I have some holiday stuffed animals and ancient elves who come to stay for thr holidays. And I tape up the cards we get around the kitchen archway.


Yes! We decorate with a tree and have our annual fight over whether to put white lights or colored lights on the it!! Also, lots of stockings!!


A tree with twinkling lights--my favorite. My husband loves to decorate outside and asks that I turn the outside lights on if he is not home at dusk.

Spooky Spiders

A garland across an archway, and we have a dry sink where we set up various knick knacks and my snowglobe. We found a very exciting black flocked nutcracker last year, it's fun to decorate around!


I used to decorate but haven’t the past couple of years. It’s only me here so I stopped messing with it all.


We have a tree, indoor fairy lights and wreaths (fabric, felt, floral, bauble) on all the doors (inside and outside!)

Amy Lee

I love to decorate for the holidays. I enjoy a tree, my crochet snowman, and simple lights and decor.


A tree — balsam for the smell — and battery powered fairy lights that can be tucked anywhere around the house.


Greens in the window boxes is as far as I go. I need to go through many years of ornaments and decorations, keep a few to pass along, thrift most of it and have a few things to put out. Lots of memories are in the boxes and tubs and it is hard to find the mental capacity to go through them. One day.....

Gail New

I decorate the inside. My favorite part is putting up the Christmas village I inherited from my grandma

Jennifer Walker

I don’t typically do a whole lot of decorating. Just a few things here and there.

Alison M.

Nothing outside because it's too much work and we have no outside outlet out front. Just the tree inside. I like it minimal.

Kim Townsend

I always put a tree with lights, stockings and various other holiday themed decorations. I have hand knit tiny mittens on my tree and this year I knit a Christmas blanket that I’m proud of.


We decorate lots! Outdoors we hang multi colored lights along a split rail fence and garden shed. Indoors we string tiny lights and garland on bookshelves and mantle. A tree (this year a little tree on a tabletop because puppy!) My favorites are a garland of hand colored paper medieval angels, and a wreath decorated with ornaments chosen with the family, one for each year. It's a treasure trove of memories.


We have our tree up in front of the living room window. Can’t really do outside lights because we don’t have easy access to outlets. The living room is decorated. Since we will have dogs roaming we haven’t decorated the rest of the house(we will keep them out of the living room).


I just have a small table top tree with some decorations that I have had for many years. In the den where I work and watch TV, I have some newer decorations that I've picked up in the last few years.


We moved into an apartment a couple years ago so I've scaled down. I kept only the meaningful decorations that bring back so many memories. No matter where we are or how much space have we can still celebrate Christ's Birth....

Julie Koss

Oh my! Yes we decorate. It’s just my husband and I but Christmas is my favorite holiday! Front porch, sewing room inside and out, tree in bedroom and living room as well as the deck is decorated. 🤔 may need more next year ☺️🌲

Sarah DeSalvo

I am not skilled at decorating at ALL but I love decorating for Christmas. Tree with white lights, and I let the kids put on all the ornaments. Various little trees on the mantle. Lit garlands over the living room windows.
My husband puts up big colorful lights outside on the gutters and white lights on the tree in our yard. It’s not a lot but it makes me happy!


We do decorate both inside and outside. After a few years of an artificial tree, we did a live one this year. My husband has collected quite a few Christmas village pieces over the years, and this year we were finally able to put them all out in a huge scene (thanks to my dad who built some custom display stands!)

Rachel King

I don't really decorate, don't have the money for it. But I like putting up the things my daughters make.

Dana Snyder

Things are a little hectic here now but we managed to put out outside lights out and have put the tree up with lights. Still need the ornaments. I love put outside lights! We have candy canes lit up along our walkway. It’s so pretty!


Lights out front, and inside we decorate with Santa collections, tin collections, happy meal Christmas toy collections & decorations that we have had for over 30 years that are now family treasures because we'll never find them again. Christmas will always be our favorite.


We have a tree and lights outside. Sometimes window clings as well. I love all the twinkling lights.

Marie B

I don’t do any special decorating.

Judi Dupuy

I always put a tree up and some lights outside. Never go too crazy cause decorations are expensive but we do some.


I have the mantle decorated with candles and two small angels. I have a small tree with lights and decorations my auntie made. There are Christmas blocks my cousin made and Target bottle brush trees scattered about. And a lovely evergreen centerpiece from our daughter on the dining room table. Festive but manageable as my kids are grown.

Nicole Acuna

I decorate a lot now and a lot of it consists of my mom who passed aways decorations but a lot of it are decorations and ornaments I’ve knitted throughout the year. I do have my fav candles going as well :)


Small tree inside and festive ribbon on gate. Usually hang a wreath or two.


I have a vintage aluminum tree that I love!


We have a tiny tree that we've had since marrying almost 20 years ago. We recently upgraded to a 7' tree, but we still put the small one out too because tradition. And a wreath on the front door. It's all pretty simple for our house.

Rachel Lodge

We decorate, but we have young kitties, so our Christmas tree doesn’t get ornaments this year.

Rachel Morrison

I put up 2-3 trees, my knitted Christmas bulb garland, and use Christmas dishes.

Deb Adams

Yes, a real Christmas tree that hubby and I decorated today.

Rene Bowman

I probably overdo the decorations if there is such a thing. We put up a tree in each room and the porches. And wreaths go in every door.

Stephanie Gordon

I do decorate! Wreath outside, tree and more inside. The lights are so festive and cheery, especially right now while I have Covid. ):


I decorate so much less now that my kids are grown adults. We put up a couple trees and hang a wreath on the front door. Recently a local greenhouse has had workshops to create your own green arrangements (like centerpieces) and I made three this year and they look lovely in the places I found to put them.

Molly Grimm

I made knit ornaments this year - so fun to decorate with!


We have a little bit of decoration all around the house. We put up a tree in the living room and hang the knitted stockings on the fireplace. I have a lighted Rudolph in the front entry, a vintage ceramic tree in my knitting room and a small table top tree in the TV room. We have a few outdoor lights as well.


I like to put up a nativity and a simple Christmas tree for when family comes.


Oh yes! Love putting it all out and the trip down memory lane!


I do, and I love my very small display! Even put a small tree in my bedroom this year!

Courtney Havenwood

I love putting up a tree … and covering it with handmade ornaments!

Deborah K

I use to decorate a lot but the family celebration was moved to my son’s house. I stopped putting the tree up but I missed it. This year I bought a 3 ft tree and picked my favorite ornaments to hang. I am happy.


I’m middle ground in the decorating. We have Christmas and seasonal decorations we put out, but nothing too elaborate. We do have a couple of cats who think everything in the house is their play toy, so that causes us to curtail things some as well. Love your trees! I have some that are similar and they are favorites of mine!

Ellen C.

Some lights and a nativity outside, a tree, stockings, festive tablecloths, a couple of wreaths. We travel Christmas week, so nothing that needs maintenance while we are away.


I LOVE decorating for the holidays! My favorite is a live tree full of home-made ornaments

Vicki Maynes

I have a collection of ceramic trees that I display. Some are old, some, handmade, some new and one made by my mil many years ago.


We didn't really decorate this year. Just the tree, stockings, and some lights in the windows.

Brittany Cook

I usually decorate my living room (tree, mantle, bookcase), then the daycare part is usually the most decorated with a little tree (the littlest children don't leave a big tree alone, so there is a tiny one in a corner out of their reach), and stuff hanging from the ceiling! I love having my Christmas decorations out.

Nancy Buehler

I love decorating, but this year I didn’t pull out as much as I have in previous years. With two young grandsons that are coming over during the season my tree is decorated with “no glass” ornaments to tempt little hands. It might be another year or two before I get back to glass.


I don't decorate at all but certainly like seeing every body else's decorations.

Jodie W.

Just decorated our tree today. I bought some new decorations because I was ready for a change this year.

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