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December 13, 2021



I have knit 12 pairs of socks this year and surprised gifted them to family and friends. I think we knitters all understand the joy of hand knit socks and I believe I’ve made 24 feet happier!


One thing I've done to spread kindness this year is to bring a friend to their COVID shot appointments. They don't have a car, and public transportation wasn't very easy for the clinic they were trying to get to. Glad I could help with the vaccination effort!


I’m absolutely not ready to spend time indoors with most folks, but outdoor visits with an appropriate temperature beverage help brighten the days of many people.


I haven't changed my charitable giving, but I'm really enjoying the holiday season and making the most of it through a work secret Santa and in other ways.

Jodi Dahley

I see kindness in my kids. My 12 yr old was putting together a special event dodgeball team and asked a boy new to the school to be on his team . When the boy said he wanted to but did not have the money, My son paid for him anonymously so he could play.


I’ve sent knitting care packages to a couple of knitting friends that have been going thru some major changes. I loved putting them together, a bag, yarn, stitch markers, etc. They loved them and put a smile on their face. I’ve given myself a bit more grace too, as the past two years have been tumultuous.


I've been sending care packages to people I love!

Gaylyn B

I have made repeated donations to the local food pantry. I live in one of the seven poorest counties in Illinois and in a town that has no full service grocery stores within the city limits. Hunger and food security has always been an issue. The pandemic has made it worse.


My friends and I partnered up so no one went alone for vaccines just in case they had a reaction.


In addition to making comments on social media in response to family and friends “news” I have sent cards or notes via snail mail when appropriate. It’s been fun and appreciated.

Jerrilynn Bayless

My son's deployed to help with the refugees & I'm trying to have compassion and make item donations locally that are collecting for the Afghans.


I have been knitting more for charity . Made sure my family is fully vaccinated. And just take more time to talk to people

Lynn B

Made larger donations to soup kitchen in hometown. Helped a family member find a place to get the Covid vaccination and surprised to find this a difficult task in a big city. Lynn


I’ve been working on being more patient with myself.


I was in the Alberta Children’s Hospital when I was a teenager, so it has been important to me to donate to every year. This year I doubled my donation. Plus I bought an antique sock knitting machine and so far have made almost 2 dozen preemie hats to donate to the hospital.


I have worked with my girl scout troop to help bring a smile to those in need. The girls and I shopped for and made a dozen "birthday party in a bag" for a local food bank.

Michelle B

We moved and became friends with an elderly lady next door and i have someone new to knit for !! So far she has fingerless mitts and a cowl !!
Thanks for the giveaway chance ! Merry Christmas

Jessica Lietz

I donated food to the blessing boxes and made 8 hats for the homeless.


In April I moved to a commercial street. Now when my husband & I walk the dog we pick up garbage. This makes other walkers' day more pleasant and helps the apartment maintenance folk. Or so we tell ourselves


I gave to my usual yearly charities on Giving Tuesday but also filled 3 angel tree requests at Walmart after seeing a news report on their numbers falling short.


I have started donating to the Food Pantries in our area from Forward Indiana. They are outside pantries/ cupboards. The idea is that you donate what you can to others and they can come anytime and open the cupboard and take the items they need. This has been so good for my soul... My work team even chose 3 individual pantries to bless for 3 weeks in December. I love trying to find different/interesting items that someone would love to have.

Wilma Stoy

I started a weekly group meet up for
Ladies to sip coffee or tea and then knit or crochet at 5he local shop.Fun Fun fun.

Nicole S

I saw someone set up a mini art gallery box, kind of like those little free libraries, where you could leave or take a small piece of art. I've contributed a few so far.

Teri P

My brother and sister-in-law are the most generous people I know. One of the ways it shows is that they have been helping to prepare healthy (tasty!) meals for a women's shelter this year.


This year we stopped giving to the large charities we used to give to in order to focus on our small, local Food Pantry. We've been making monthly donations by check to them, as well as food donations through our church. This summer we also donated the extra produce from our garden and they were very happy to receive the overabundance of tomatoes and cucumbers that we had! It was nice to see it all going to members of our local community.

Julie B

One donation that I hope brings much joy is in memory of a good friend at church. Working to send out audio and visual chances to worship with our congregation was close to his heart. Our donation lets the family know that we value his caring foot print at our church and hope to reach many others with this ministry!


I’ve been knitting baby blankets for charity. Love those babies!


My neighbor's teen son and some of my adult neighbors helped to shovel the snow off my driveway and walk. The mother of the teenager told me he'd be available this winter, too. I have wonderful neighbors.

I've been donating to 3 local charities throughout the year.

Diane N.

I am working extra hours at my PT job so my FT co-workers can have an extra day off.

Laurie Bowman

We are helping our son with his Christmas giving this year since he was in a terrible accident at the end of September and has been out of work since then until last week. Also donating to the food pantry here in our town.


I make a monthly donation to the Backpack Food Program that provides food to students on weekends and when school is out. I have a basket of knitted hats to take to the homeless shelter. I also make monetary donations to several local organizations.

Kim Payne

I joined my neighborhood buy nothing group. I post items I no longer use and someone who wants it can pick it up from my porch. It’s a way to give without spending money. People also post for items they need. No


I have helped several of my friends with their mental health this season. I will bring them that's and just offer to listen when needed.

Kim Monfils

I knit a few pairs of socks for my brother who’s health is challenged. He lives in a cold climate and I knew he would get good use out of some wool socks for the winter.

Franceska Zweifler

I have taken on the care of my grandson, and I must say it’s been a joy to us both! I have also been knitting up a slew of socks and blankets to give away! It’s been a rewarding year despite the hardships.


I knit 20+ baby blankets and donated the to an organization for mothers and kids that come from domestic abuse situations.


I’ve knit hats and passed them out to students at the college where I work.

Audrey Fleming

I have been helping others learn to craft - knit, crochet, sew.

Geraldine Scott

We had our first snow of the season on Friday, and lo, and behold, our snowblower would not start....when our neighbor found out, he brought out his blower, and did our sidewalk for us! We were so appreciative of his kindness!


I donated to heifer international this year on giving Tuesday.


This may not come across correctly but I’ve continued to see sick kids throughout the pandemic. I own my own practice and have not closed down a day throughout the pandemic. It’s been hard but I try to find the positive in each day. Hopefully the sense of hope will transfer to patients and coworkers. Let me tell you that in itself is a challenge enough. I keep trying to keep kids and families safe by offering information support and vaccination


Knowing how hard working through the pandemic has been, I have made a special effort to take a moment and talk to the staff at our grocery store- you see so many people being rude and impatient and I want the staff to know that I see and appreciate them! A smile and a genuine, how are you?, go a long way.

Labrista Wadkins

I try to find at least one person a day and compliment them on something. Everyone needs to hear something good about themselves occasionally.


I have been donating to the Community Harvest Food Bank every month.


I have been monetarily able to help my granddaughter with her first year of college.

Cindy Buchite

We have a member of our community who is not the easiest person to like. They fell on some hard times and members of the community pitched in to pay their property taxes. I thought that was one of the kindest acts in our town in a long time.

Leann Demeduk

I donate to various animal rescue groups that help foster and adopt senior pets that have a lower chance of normal adoptions. Unfortunately I can't foster or adopt myself, so I try to help wherever I can!


I basically moved in with my mom so neither of us would be alone during continued lockdowns and I could make sure she's taking care of herself. And I'm thankful to have wonderful neighbors who keep an eye on my house when I'm away!

Pat Phythian

Last school year, when many students were still learning from home, and many parents out of work, we started a food pantry on our campus. I added groceries to my shopping list every week to donate to the pantry.

Sue McConnell

I seem to be making a yearly habit of donating to Toy for Tots, a community sock drive for shelters, and buying books at a local bookstore for their children's book donation drive.


I have increased my donations to both the local food bank and a recently discovered neighborhood free fridge.

Judy Keith

I have made continuous donations to our local food bank.


I am really working on kindness. Kindness in my dealing with others-giving them the benefit of the doubt, being supportive. This Christmas I did the usual- buy toys for underprivileged kids and donate to the food pantry, but I also mailed a $100 gift card to someone I know who is a single mother of 3. I hope she enjoys a little extra this season. I also started a knitting group with my 3 favorite knitters and at our meeting this month gave them all a handmade Christmas project bag with a skein of Christmas sock yarn. Just something to brighten their day. I have also made an effort to be an extra big tipper these last few months as people in the service industry have been working hard and understaffed for quite a while. I wish everyone a healthy and happy holiday!

Brenda Babcock

I knit socks throughout the year for people who need to be reminded they are loved & cared about. I use leftover yarns & knit animal coats for rescue pets in shelters.

Virginia Harnischfeger

A friend from our old neighborhood moved to a town neighboring our current home. I have been checking in with my friend several times a month to make sure the family is settling in OK. We have been able to connect with a few lunch dates during which I give tours of surrounding areas to help familiarize my friend with the area.

Wendy Chase

My husband and I regularly donate to our church's humanitarian aid fund. I've been the recipient of so much kindness this year, driveway being cleared, a basket of goodies on the porch when I had Covid. I try to watch for others who I can at least up lift with kind words.

Sara Moening

We gave more purposely this year, especially through our church. I've also been working with my kids and others to talk about how kids have bad days too. We need to give them skills to cope and also accept their bad days like we do for adults.

Diana Lichvarik

I am a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and we as a group participated in a wreath laying ceremony at our local cemetery for veterans. Also a fundraiser allowed us to give a gift to Tunnel 2 Towers. Happy Holidays to you and your family.


We donated more to our community toy drive than we have previously. There are a lot of people who need help this Christmas and it was the least we could do!


I live in an apartment building and I've been carrying up packages and putting them outside of a tenant's door. Saves them a trip to the lobby to get their package. They don't know who brought their package up.


I've been knitting dishcloths (some with amusing sayings) and sending them to friends that I don't see due to covid. It's amazing how much cheer a simple dishcloth can spread.


Being isolated due to serious illness and being immunocompromised, I try to lift spirits with every medical appt I go to, every time I’m with an exercise physiologist (we talk about their crafts, newborn baby, etc.), write newsy emails, text or call friends who are struggling, had my husband take over a bag of food for our church Thanksgiving bags for those in need, etc. and just try to reach out in any way I can because I’m blessed just to be here this year and everyday is a treasure!

Deb Williams

Every year I collect up my finished projects that are not being gifted, put them in a plain paper bag, including a not that states: Please pass on to those that may need. This is then passed to one of our County deputies. One year it was all softies that were given to children that sadly were going thru traumatic events.

But the best one I have seen so far this year, was just the other day when A lady past warm food to a panhandler that was standing in the snow. He put it in his backpack and took it to whomever he wished to share it with. It was beautiful.

Sue Bousvert

I knit tiny little hearts for every day during the quarantine and then I just kept going. I give them to people who need a hug, as and extra with the tip at a restaurant, to my friends and coworkers. You have a picture of the jar when it was halftime full - I posted it in response to one of your Facebook posts. Most of the yarn I used to knit them was from SSY and much of that was Mad Tosh.

elissa schoening

It's not much, but since I've been home I've been walking my dog more and I make an effort to stop and pick up any litter I find in the woods in our rural neighborhood. A litter free environment offers is all that much more tranquility.

Jody Laake

This is just a little thing but it made me feel really good. We had a kind of raffle at work. The prizes were all these big beautiful themed gift baskets - movie night, spring cleaning, event tickets and more. We were given at least one entry ticket anytime management saw us doing something above and beyond or just plain nice. On the day of the drawing I had earned quite a few entries. I decided to share them with a co-worker who had only received a few - not because he was a bad worker but because he worked in the back room where no one hardly ever saw him. He has five little kids and is always struggling to make ends meet so I was really happy when he won the movie night basket! He got the perfect prize for his family and I made a new friend for life!

Maurine Johnson

I donate to RIP Medical Debt--they pay medical debt for people.


It hasn't been an easy year for us, but we are luckier than many. Being mindful of how fortunate we are, we have upped our charitable contributions this year.


I flew to stay with my granddaughter who couldn’t go to her daycare facility after my son had recovered from Covid.

Nicole Rimes

At my office, we are collecting toys for our local children's hospital and I'm so excited to drop everything off on Wednesday!


My grandma asked for a sweater for her dog, and so I knit my first dog sweater! She loved it.

Denise Walsh-Horowitz

I continue with making my teddy bears for kids in shelters, quilts with matching pillow cases and drawer string bags for toiletries for a domestic violence shelter, Project Night Night bags for kids in the domestic violence shelter, and crochet hats for the homeless. I made a plan last January that I will spend two hours each day either sewing or knitting for the homeless and the domestic violence shelter. I am going to keep with this plan this upcoming year!


Thank you for this amazing opportunity! Our Ministry donated to Project Linus in November!


I've been knitting socks for our local women's shelter. They love them and I finally have someone to make socks for.
Also my daughter is a college freshman this year and noticed a lot of the girls were getting really homesick so she started a "heart attack" campaign to help them all reach out and support each other.(love that girl!)

Jennifer McC

I volunteered to cochair our Giving Tree at church. We collected almost 500 gifts and gift cards for those in need in our community.

Lue Bond

I have tried to be kinder to people. So many are hurting. If I know of a need, I try to help when I can. As my husband says “hold things with an open hand.” ❤️


Could not visit with two great aunts so lots of calls to them and lots of chats. Also checked in on older neighbours.


Just a small thing, but tried to express my gratitude to those who continued to work (grocery & food delivery workers) by tipping more and being sure to thank them. The smiles & return thanks I got from them made me feel blessed.


I've continued my donations to charities, particularly food banks. My knitting group collects hand knits for donations to various groups in need, and I contributed socks, hats, mitts.


I have mostly donated to charities --much of my clothing that has languished in the closet. This did include several of my hand knit sweaters, scarves, and socks that just weren't seeing as much love as they should. Hoping someone is nice and warm this winter!

Susan Mercy

I've performed in two symphony concerts and two theater productions, plus directed music for a third production. Not only have I been able to help cast members improve, but audiences have been able to attend and relax and lose themselves in the enjoyment of music.


I haven’t changed, but rather continued to be charitable.


I have knit over 100 baby hats for newborns at a local county hospital. Also, several blankets. Loved every minute of it! Giving to others gives us purpose in our own lives.


My 4-year-old comes to mind. Children see friends everywhere. Whenever we go out she waves to, smiles at and greets everyone she passes…at the park, in Target, passing cars. She especially notices other kids. She almost always receives a smile or a wave in return. She is adorable of course, but I think most people are uplifted by a wave or friendly smile or greeting.

Mary Kay

As frontline workers have struggled this year I always try to give them a hefty tip for their assistance with grocery and/or food delivery. When it gets cold and snowy here it's a well deserved gesture. Twenty inches of new snow at my house in Minnesota on Friday.

Elizabeth SanMiguel

More donations. From hats to household goods.


Using my random worsted to knit hats and mittens for a local school. Also making sure to tip well when we do go out.

Sarah S

Last week, I volunteered with others at my workplace to pack "hygiene kits" for youths and families in need who often don't have the means to purchase basic hygiene supplies. It's a need that I wasn't aware of until then, and I was grateful to be able to make a small difference.

Sabrina Snyder

I try to knit extra hats. Everytime I meet a new person I give them one. I think everyone should be wrapped in love.


I was made aware earlier this year that the children of Wise, VA were in great need of many things - school supplies, personal hygiene items, warm clothes. I have since donated to them some of each type of item. Then was made aware of neighboring Hazard, KY where sexually abused children get a sheet of paper for a blanket at intake! So I’m working on blankets. I also donated to Alice Lloyd College after they had a devastating flood. Appalachia needs our help, and I’m happy to do what I can.


We've increased our donations and I've been focusing this holiday season on teaching my daughter (4) about kindness and giving. Today we made cookies that we will share with our senior neighbors, the postman, the waste collectors, and the other delivery people! I love teaching her the joy of giving and sharing and seeing how it lights her up.

Amanda Swanson

I've been running a virtual book club for my knitting group since we have been reluctant to meet in person due to the risk. We all read the same book each month and meet via Zoom to discuss the stories. It has really helped keep our group connected and we've discovered a lot of great books. We've been meeting for 21 months now and the funnest meeting was when the author of one of the books joined our meeting from her home out of state.

yolanda v

I have made COVID vaccine appts. for family members. I've surprised people with knitted or crochet items. I also give yearly to our Volunteers of America.

Beverly Shearon

We have made a point to give more generously through different organizations.

Deb Adams

We know that more people are struggling this year and have made an extra effort to contribute to organizations that help less fortunate people. Especially food pantries and church charities..


Since I haven't been out shopping etc. so much I've been donating to charities more frequently. I've donated to several food banks and also several pet rescues. It's not as much fun as visiting places to donate toys and foods but it's what I'm comfortable doing right now!


A group of us at work knit and chrocheted hats and blankets for preemies/babies. We have done this for maybe 4 years now. The events were cancelled last year in 2020 but I still made the hats and made more items this year in 2021. We had a nice collection to drop off this year. There were some in the group this year that were new to chrochet and knitting but they signed up and did their best! We also received yarn donations from others in the company which was amazing as well.


I started volunteering at an animal shelter this year.


I have donated money to an organization that resettles refugees in my area.

Maureen DesMarais

I am currently walking the dog of an 80 year old man who simply can no longer walk his big standard poodle.

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