If you love Six & Seven Fibers, you'll be super happy about this - Rachel is back from her maternity leave and has dyed us up a gorgeous batch of yarn and it includes all the full sized skeins of the Little Women collection on Alfalfa MCN (merino/cashmere/nylon sock) that were previously released in the mini sets!
Colors now available on the full sized skeins (shown above as the entire collection on minis) are Up in The Attic, Skating, Longmeadow Picnic, Shore Bird, Plumfield, Pansy Slippers, Home Peace, That Laurence Boy, Post Box and Currant Jelly. Of course we also have a restock of other Alfalfa MCN (merino/cashmere/nylon sock) in Rachel's other collections like the ones from Harry Potter and Monet and Anne of Green Gables. Plus all the mini collections too. And if you want to knit up all the minis into something awesome, consider the Harry Potter Sampler.
Photos provided by Six & Seven Fibers
Or the Anne of Green Gables Sampler.