We've had many requests for other weights of yarn from Urth Yarns, so soon you'll see both the DK and Worsted striping yarn in stock. These colors are so vivid and gorgeous, aren't they?
We were able to make it 10 days with no grocery run this time. That's a win for us, as so far it's been about a week between visits. I'm shopping for my mom too, and I look like quite the glutton in the grocery, what with a full to the brim cart, mostly of fresh items. The limiting factor for how long we can go between grocery runs are fruits and vegetables. There is enough stress and change throughout all of this and I think it's really important for my family to eat as healthfully as possible, so fresh things are a must. I want to be able to rationalize pizza nights by eating well most of the time. Ha!
This week there weren't any bunches of orange carrots, but there were these jewel toned ones. A bit more expensive than normal carrots but super tasty roasted with butter and salt.
Henry and James seem to be a-ok with their new method of schooling because it means they are home. They love all the extra attention and snuggles, home cooked meals instead of school lunches, video game breaks, and the freedom they get from 8-4 compared to being in school. They really are living their best lives, and the only thing that Henry doesn't like is that he doesn't get to play with his little friends next door (he sees them playing but can't join and it's sad) and James and Henry are both frustrated with spotty internet, especially in early evening when they finally have time to play Minecraft together. They aren't old enough to know what it was like even a few years ago without high speed internet, and it seems that now that everyone in the house and area are using internet there are constant blips and issues that even if momentary are still annoying to them.
This is Henry watching one of the daily videos his teacher makes. This one described how to make an acrostic poem, and someone in her household does puppetry because he gets some really awesome puppet segments, as you can see from the picture. It's like Sesame Street quality!
I think this meme rings quite true. Does it for you? I've never spent so much at the grocery. I'm spending nearly nothing on entertainment (other than Disney+ and yarn), no hair or pedicure costs, no new clothes or shoes or random Target runs where I get in trouble. I didn't even purchase any cute Easter or spring decor this year.
I only spend money on food, and only at Meijer, as our Kroger always seems to have an entirely full parking lot and that seems like a horribly bad choice, health wise. This week, I went on a Tuesday morning and got a front parking spot, put my hair in a pony, put on my mask and my gloves, grabbed my paper list, and went about it. I don't take the kids, I don't dilly dally or browse. I have a specific list, I touch only what I'm getting, and I try to get in and out fast. This week there was no buttermilk and still no yeast, so the kids won't be getting the same fresh biscuits or pancakes, and there was no coffee creamer for me and avocados were twice the price as usual. But for the most part, we can find everything we want at Meijer now. Their staff must really be working hard at night when shoppers aren't there. I think I'll continue to go mid week when I can because it wasn't busy at all. No lines at check out, no one waiting to get in a cooler case. Easy peasy.
What's your method or tips for getting what you need and feeling as safe as possible about it? I will also share that when I come home I let the non-perishable bags of food "quarantine" for a couple days before going through them. I put the perishable things away, then wipe down everything I have touched, and then put what I was wearing right in the washer and go to the shower. I'm unsure if that's overkill, but my method makes me feel more in control of a situation that doesn't allow me to have much.
*Just a reminder that I'm committed to blogging every day during this time (instead of the typical 2-3 times a week) to connect with others. Please do comment and share with me here if you like! You'll see the typical yarn updates and shop tidbits, but likely also a bit more family and personal stuff.
I have had good experiences at Aldi. I miss having Meijer around the corner (they closed that location a few years ago). What I can't find at Aldi, I get at Kroger.
I noticed an increase in produce prices also. I have autoimmune disease and am no-added-sugar and gluten-free because of it. Some produce went up by 50-100% in price (cucumbers, I'm looking at you)! There are no sales either, so everything is full price.
We are a family of five, and only have a regular size fridge with top freezer. I've been going shopping once or twice per week. I just got a mask from a neighbor. Before that, I tried the bandana thing with hair ties, but it would unfold itself in 15 minutes. The mask fogs my glasses. But I can't see without my glasses.
Try to bag my own groceries. I wait for people to pass me or move instead of standing next to them.
Posted by: Jessica | April 16, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Those carrots look fantastic. Have to try them someday.
Yes, the grocery bills are much higher now but not complaining because it is tough for all the people in the thread to get the food to us: farmers, factories, truckers, warehouses, stores, etc.
Be safe as you can. Be well.
Posted by: Elizabeth SanMiguel | April 16, 2020 at 01:16 PM
You can make your own buttermilk in a pinch. It's just white vinegar added to milk. Google it for a specific recipe.
Posted by: Anissa Miller | April 16, 2020 at 01:59 PM
I’ve been going once a week to the grocery store. I’m spending way more on groceries because I’m cooking more. My boyfriend always pays when we go out and we’re not going out. lol. He does chip in though. He has some things to grill so I should get a break from cooking this weekend. I don’t think I’ll need to go back for another week but I’m almost out of fresh produce. One more avocado, one more salad (I make 5 or 6 at a time so they’re made for a quick meal) a few carrots. My boyfriend will run to the store if we need something since he lives in town. Hope if to make it without another huge grocery trip till after next weekend when my parents come. They’ll need fridge space since they’ll be on their way back to PA from FL. It’s an adjustment. This is the first week we can give new work to the students so I’ve been busy setting things up. Should go pretty smooth once we get in a routine. I only have one block of classes each day to have meetings for and post work. It’s nice because I can set my own schedule. I decided to have all my meetings in the afternoon so I can get out and run and sleep in and knit a little. Plus, I figured the kids would appreciate not having an 8 am meeting. This will be their only chance to sleep in! I’m also spending way more on yarn because ... I love it so much and why not!! Plus, I have more time to browse! Lol
Posted by: Dana | April 16, 2020 at 02:36 PM
My partner & I are both high risk both because of age & other medical conditions. So we mostly order online & have it delivered. I have to go out every other week to get my B12 shot for my pernicious anemia. My partner discovered that the Minute Clinics in CVS would give me the shot if they have a prescription on file. So I contacted my doctor’s office & asked them to send prescriptions to our closest CVS. Got my first one yesterday & was very pleased. So much easier than going down to Northwestern, paying $12 for parking & dealing with the traffic. Interestingly, the nurse at the Minute Clinic used to be an ICU nurse at Northwestern but switched to this when she became a mom because of the hours. I find I’m sleeping more & watching a lot of streaming especially Britbox & Acorn. I’m doing far less knitting because I always have a lot of pain this time of year. It’s looking almost certain that we’ll not be able to go in our family vacation Ireland this summer which kind of breaks my heart. But compared to what others are dealing with that’s nothing.
Posted by: Donna | April 16, 2020 at 06:30 PM
Forgot to mention that we too pretty much treat anything delivered the way you treat your groceries. We have an enclosed (unheated) front porch. So, except for perishables, everything sits on that porch for at least 2-3 days (even SS packages!). Then, when we bring it in, we wipe everything down with Clorox wipes. We’ve ordered pizza a few times & wipe the outside of the box with Clorox wipes before we open it. everybody stay safe.
Posted by: Donna | April 16, 2020 at 06:36 PM
My sweetie goes for groceries, etc., every two weeks. Did you know that Google will tell you when the stores are the quietest?
Meanwhile, I knit, sew, bake, and cook. I control the things I can.
Posted by: Kate | April 16, 2020 at 07:13 PM
I don’t have any great grocery tips, but there is a powdered form of buttermilk which keeps for a long time and works very well.
Posted by: CyndyC | April 16, 2020 at 08:15 PM