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April 20, 2015



Oh Mrs. Allison, you didn't mention that new sock ruler. I was a lucky person who got to buy one of the first ones marketed. These things are fantastic. Very sturdy. Mine gets thrown around in my bag everyday and is still like brand new. But of course you do need some of that squishy Madeleine tosh yarn so you have something to measure


Ha! You saw that appear on the website, eh? Here's the link to the Sock Ruler, for those who want to see:


You might add the 3 Color Cashmere Cowl to your list. I'm doing one with Dr.Zhivago Sky, Great Grey Owl and Denim which I ordered from you last week. Very pleased and can't wait until MadMay begins on May 1. For anyone interested in participating I'm Mad May, you can go to the Madtosh blog on Raverly. All yarns used must be Madelinetosh!

Leslie Fehr

I just love Madeline Tosh yarn! And, thank you for giving us links to some very pretty shawl and wrap patterns. Now to decide which patterns need to be added to my library. Then, it's sit with my Tosh stash and see which additional colors I need! There goes the budget(again)!

Linda Armstrong

I would like to make a color affection shawl using either Whiskey Barrel or Lt Twig as one of the colors any suggestions for the other two colors?

Also I see you are out of Plaid Blanket any other suggestions to use with Nutmeg and Jade?


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