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May 16, 2011



Congratulations!! What a great building. Will there be a brick and mortar shop?


Oh my gosh! Congratulations Allison! I'm so happy for you.


Yes, we will have showroom hours. I'm so excited!


Yaaaaaay! I'm so excited for you! (and for me, and other local-ish knitters who can pop by!)

Susan C.

How exciting! Congrats!


OMG! This is so wonderful! Congratulations! You really deserve all this success!


I'm so happy for you! Congratulations, I hope it's everything you dreamed it would be.


Wow congrats- Looks like the Norhtside neighborhood.

Kathleen B.

Congratulations! I hope it is all you have dreamed it to be.


That is so awesome and I am so happy for you!! Can't wait to watch the progress as it happens!

Patricia Richardson

Congratulations Allison! Dreams can and do come true.


This will be so awesome! Wish I lived close enough to come shopping in person.
Dreams do come true!


What wonderful news! I hope you blog the details!


Congratulations! That's awesome! It'll be fantastic!


Where will your store be located??? That is fantastic, and looks like a great space!!!


I'll definitely be posting progress as it happens. Right now, we don't know how quickly or slowly that will happen, because we don't know what we're going to discover under decades of finishes.

Barbara C

Congratulations! What a neat old building.


Congrats and good luck!!!!!


Congratulations! I will be in Ft. Wayne for a Tincaps game in August.........maybe I can stop by.


I'll come work for you!


Allise, I think yu'd come out in the red with the 10 hour drive! HA!


That's great news! I'm very happy for you and your family! Wonderful looking building!
You'll have to takes pictures, when you are finished remodeling. So everyone can see it!

Lesa M

How exciting!! Looks like a wonderful building to start with.


Congratulations on your bricks and mortar!


Thanks for sharing your dream come true! Good luck!


Very exciting! I look forward to visiting - and meeting - you on one of my visits back to my home state. Congratulations!


Really happy for you Allison. Congratulations - I will look forward to progress reports. Looks like a really cool building.


OMG!!!! That is fantastic!!!


Oh, how cool! Congratulations Allison, I'm so happy for you!!


Very exciting!!! Is it in Fort Wayne? (I am already trying to calculate the distance & how long it would tsk to get there)


Oh, Allison, how very exciting!! You must be thrilled!!!


Such wonderful news! I'm excited for you!


Congrats Allison!!! It's so wonderful to fulfill a dream!!! If I'm ever out in your area I'll definitely stop by. My husband has been wanting to go to Bloomington for awhile- maybe we can work this into a trip when you get it up and running :D

Kim B.

This is just fabulous! Congratulations. I bet you have already figured out what to do with the extra space at home. I am so happy for you.


Congratulations Allison! Hopefully you will be able to leave "work" in your new building and devote your home to a private and serene space. Just the act of driving to another location does give a great sense of separation--I speak from experience. Good luck hope all the demolition and renovation goes well. susan foulds


This is fabulous news! I'd totally come work for you! (Seriously, only 45 minutes away, it would be awesome)

Amy Samin

Looking forward to following the process here. Good luck with everything. It's very exciting. :-)


All I keep thinking is "ROAD TRIP!!!!" :)

Okay, really I also thought "congratulations!" How wonderful this journey will be for you and your family. Best of luck with your newest adventure!

Jennifer Page

Congratulations! Sorry I don't live closer.


Congratulations Allison, I so excited for you! I will keep you in my prayers during this new journey in your life. Hopefully one day I will get there.


Oh! Forgot to ask....can we PLEASE have an Indiana Sock Summit in Fort Wayne when the store opens? :)


OMG, that's quite an idea! Really the Sock Summit is all up to Tina and Stephanie. But you never know, we could do a fun get-together!

Kathy Sue

I LOVE the red door and window frames! Congratulations!


Wow! Look at all I have missed with the computer down!Where in Ft.Wayne is this old post office? I don't recognize it! Congratulations!


Congratulations, Allison! I'm soooooo happy for you!!!


Thanks all!
The store is located at 1315 East State Blvd. in Fort Wayne, IN. While the main focus will still be shipping orders all over the world, I will have showroom hours once a week. These hours will be post on the store's homepage at

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