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August 03, 2009



You had me at COLOR CARDS! I need yarn in Komets colors, so I hope you will keep the home teams in mind as you develop your line. And good luck at Sock Summit!


Good luck at Sock Summit!!!! And your OWN yarn, that is fantastic. I am very happy for you and for us, can not wait until you put it up on the store. I LOVE color cards, what a wonderful idea. All the best.


Forgot to ask: are the colors to be solid-solid or they will be tone on tone?


Now I really wish I was going to the Sock Summit, too bad I'm soooo far away. I'm so happy about your sock yarn, can't wait to see it!


The dark, deep tones are solid, but the lighter ones are more semi-solid. It's practically impossible to get dye to absorb evenly in medium or paler tones, because the dye is so diluted, thus the term "semi-solid.
Make sense?


Thank you for your answer. I love the semi solids the most so I am very happy.


Ooh! That is exciting news!


Sweet. I will get to see these in person. I'm excited that you have your own set of colors. I totally need a color card. I miss those.


This sounds great!

Sue J.

Terrific news about your sock yarn line. I'll be anxious to get one of those color cards. Good luck at SS.


Allison, your line of yarn sounds FABULOUS - I'll be looking for you in Portland...


This is such great news! I know you will have tons of fun at the summit, and people will go nuts over your yarn. I look forward to getting some of my very own soon!


Woohoo! Please bring lots of the color cards to the Summit (and save one for me)! See you Thursday. :)


How exciting!! I can't wait for your line of yarns to be available. I am so excited to be able to get some solid colors and will definitely make use of the color card.
Good luck at Sock Summit!


Oh, I can't wait to see your booth at the Sock Summit! This is great news! Congratulations on such a wonderful step for your business!


Congrats on Sock Summit; I hope it goes really well!!! (And I hope there'll be a repeat, some day!)

Double congrats on your own line of sock yarn. This sounds great! And thanks for such a good write-up. I often use sock yarn for baby projects, but hadn't thought of having smaller skeins to use for stripes in something. Great idea!!

Another good way this will work is for those of us who like to have a matching yarn for our multicolored ones. So often that is very difficult to accomplish, but with your color card, it will be easy!

What a great thing you've done here!


Congratulations on creating your own line of sock yarn! Wow! Wonderful! I can't wait to see the colors available and color cards are a fabulous idea. I will definitely order some of those - can't wait :D


Congratulations, and thank you for offering color cards and satisfying my need for solid colorways. Will the yarn be single or 2-ply? (Sorry if that's a dumb question re fingering weight.)


I saw these at SS and I have to say I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy any because I didn't realize then that you didn't have these for sale yet. My mother in law WON four skeins and they are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Did I say kicking myself?

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