...the horrible, icy cold. In Indiana, it gets cold and a bit snowy in the winter, but usually not like it's been for the past few days. First the ice storm that left taking 40% of the area's power with it. Then the ridiculous wind, which again took down power likes and ice covered trees. Then the bitter, nose-snot freezing cold. It's been a triple threat of winter horror here in NE Indiana, and it makes my frozen brain scream "White Christmas? Who the hell wants a WHITE CHRISTMAS?!? Bring on the global warming, dammit!!"
But seriously, it's been horrible. I think there are still people without power here. And I just got my internet back. When you live out where I do, the only way to get high speed internet is by a signal that's bounced off a fricken water tower in another small town, then beamed magically by tiny elves to a tiny, square satellite dish on my house. When one TINY portion of that system is down, say an elf is out with a hangover, that network ceases to work, thus wrecking my world. Try running an internet business on an iPhone, and you may start to understand my frustration. Perhaps it was a signal from the Gods of Relaxation and Rest that I should be taking a weekend off!
So because I couldn't work this weekend (or Friday), it was a rather relaxing weekend. Plus I had a little space heater on my lap for most of it, as James was quite sick and wouldn't move. And can't say that I enjoyed his illness, I have to say that I did enjoy all the cuddles and snuggle time on the comfy chair with my little bear. Of course, he's all fine today and tearing around the house like a maniac, so my snuggle bear is gone. Which means that the scarf I eluded to in my last post will remain 4 inches from being finished until James goes to bed tonight.
Anyone else still trying to finish up gift knitting? I'm hoping to get mine done while watching a re-watching White Christmas, my favorite Christmas flick. Anyone else have a favorite that you recommend?
I'm trying so hard to finish my gift knitting! Aack! I have to at a minimum finish a sock before Thursday. The other knitted gifts were in addition to other non-knitted things and thus can wait and not leave the recipient without any gifts at all. Must finish those socks!
My favorite Christmas movies: A Muppet Christmas Carol, A Muppet Family Christmas, Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas (anyone noticing a theme here?), and all the original TV specials from the 60s/70s - Rudolph, The Grinch, Santa Claus is Comin' To Town.
Posted by: Amanda | December 22, 2008 at 11:26 AM
My favorite Christmas movie of all time if Miracle on 34th St (original not remake). I've already knit to it and am now starting on Year without a Santa Claus and A Christmas Carol (George C Scott version).
Still have a fingerless mitt and scarf to finish and probably will have to do an IOU for the latter :-)
Posted by: Nancy | December 22, 2008 at 11:30 AM
I just need to block a scarf and then I'm done!
I absolutely love watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Elf, and Scrooged every year. It's not Christmas without them!
Posted by: Alyssa | December 22, 2008 at 12:09 PM
I just have my hubby's sweater to finish, and I'm sure it won't be done by Christmas. It's not a surprise, though, so he'll receive a WIP wrapped up under the tree. Our favorite Christmas movie is "It's a Wonderful Life".
Posted by: Nancy | December 22, 2008 at 12:44 PM
It isn't Christmas until I've seen "White Christmas". Nothing says Merry Christmas like Bing Crosby!!
Posted by: Jill | December 22, 2008 at 01:07 PM
I have to watch Charlie Brown Christmas (I missed it this year). I also love Santa Clause and Santa Clause 2. The Hallmark Channel has had several good movies on this year.
Posted by: Robin | December 22, 2008 at 03:35 PM
My favorite is White Christmas also. We had ice here in S. Central IN early in the week and now the frigid temps. but the really bad weather bypassed us. Glad you have internet service again and really glad your little guy is feeling better.
Posted by: Monica | December 22, 2008 at 04:05 PM
We've had the horrible snow & freezing cold here in the Chicago area too. But one advantage to living in a big metropolitan area is that you're much more likely to keep your power. This is so unusual for this area - usually the weather is relatively mild until New Year's Eve. More often than not we don't have a White Christmas (although I remember always having them as a child in the 50's & early 60's) - it's usually in the 40's or maybe high 30's. We have several inches of snow on the ground & yesterday morning, when I first checked the temp, it was -4° with 10-15 MPH winds gusting to 30 MPH. We had our extended family Christmas celebration early - on Saturday - because my daughter & her family are leaving tonight for Mississippi to spend a couple of days with son in law's family. They will leave for California (their new home) the day after Christmas. There is no joy in this house (or my other daughter's or my ex- husband's). I have not left the house since we returned Saturday evening. In fact, I've spent most of the time on the second floor because the first floor of our old house is so drafty even warm sheepskin slippers aren't enough to keep my feet warm - I'll have to find my Uggs (not warm enough for outside but good for the 1st floor!). I've been spending most of my time knitting wool socks.
Posted by: Donna | December 22, 2008 at 04:27 PM
I am finished with my Christmas knitting. I'm now planning on next year's knitting.
My favorite movie this time of year is "It's a Wonderful Life"
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: SusanB-knits | December 22, 2008 at 08:21 PM
I too am trying to finish, should be another day....or two. I live in Mass and we have been slammed like most of the rest of the country. There are some Mass Residents that as of today have been without electricity for ELEVEN DAYS. To deal with that, the cold and the upcoming holiday is more than I think anyone should have to bear. I am sitting in a warm, lighted house watching my fav It's a Wonderful Life!
Posted by: Debbie | December 22, 2008 at 10:33 PM
Don't feel bad about unfinished projects. I have two! I am so behind it's making me crazy. Enjoy your Christmas and your family.
Posted by: Kar | December 23, 2008 at 12:48 AM
well, I need another skein of yarn from my local yarn shop. Figured this out Saturday evening and they are not open on Sunday and Monday.. so will will be running there a little later this am to get my sister-in-law's hat done. Trying to also finish a scarf for my nephew. I have a hat to finish by Saturday... slowly but surely I may make my deadlines.. Favorite Christmas movie is now John Doe..saw it for the first time.. it was really good.
Posted by: natalie | December 23, 2008 at 08:51 AM
I finished up my last pair of socks for Christmas. So I will work on my Central Park Hoodie. One of my favorite Christmas movie is Charlie Brown Christmas......just the kid in me. But White Christmas is next.
Posted by: Jean | December 23, 2008 at 02:58 PM
I love your grasp of technology in the area. Our elf had a hangover too.
Around here we like The Grinch, A Christmas Story, and Christmas Vacation really well.
Charlie Brown Christmas is one we missed this year. I'll have to get out my copy. I am considering myself done with Christmas knitting and on to the new year. So I'm off to work on a hat I cast on yesterday and watch a few last Christmas shows.
Posted by: Nancy | December 27, 2008 at 03:01 PM