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August 13, 2008


Mary A

Beautiful socks, what color and pattern is that?

Lauren S

If I pre-order with PayPal, do I need to pay rightthissecond to ensure that I don't lose my spot? (The account is currently set up to pay things by itself at the beginning of the month.)

Mary Ann

Are you sure that's the TONKS yarn and not LUPIN?


Pre-orders must be paid at the time of order to be saved.
Mary Ann is right- it's Lupin, not Tonks. My mistake. Changed.

Marion Wilhelm

YIPPEE!!!! Thank you Allison! I have ordered all of them for Meeeeeee!!! My birthday is in October and I am giving them to myself as a birthday gift.

Tamara in Virginia

YAY! Just ordered and paid for mine! Thanks, Allison! :-)


Wow. Those are gorgeous, but I really do wish they had colorways named after female characters who aren't a) minor or b) an owl. I would consider purchasing some then.


Sorry all, but the preordered limit has now been reached. All the remaining yarn will go back up for sale once it actually arrives.

Marion Wilhelm

Wow! I am glad I did not wait a second to order! Thanks again, Allison. PS-I love the newest Hunterwasser that you just sent. Cannot wait to start. I am thinking about Christmas gifts!


Just read in the entertainment news that the next HP movie release date changed from Nov 21, 2008 to July 17, 2009
What will that mean for the Opal color release dates? Will they change too?


Wow, those went fast! I'm not a HP fan but my 6 year old grandson has read all the books & is thinking about a second reading. So maybe some of the Harry colorway for him & I like the Lupin colorway myself - even if I don't have any idea of the significance!

Sandra D

Sooo, what's the stitch pattern in the Lupin socks in the picture? I really like that. Yeah, I could hunt and find what it might be, but if someone just happens to know, then I could work on knitting instead! I had to think about it, since my sock yarn stash has exploded, but in the end I just had to do it. Looks like I made the decision in time!


My name is Egbertha and I live in New Zealand.
Concerning the question about knitting socks on circular needles, my answer is, that for me there is only one way of knitting socks and that is on 4 needles.

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