Ack! Stop e-mailing me to get this scarf pattern up! You're stressing me out! But seriously, I really appreciate that you care about this simple little pattern. While I'm keeping the first scarf for myself, I'm considering knitting up another one to have on hand for a gift.
If you downloaded the pattern before August 22, 2008, please download again as a small error was fixed. The chart was correct, but there was a small error in the written out wave pattern.
The pattern is a pdf file, and if you need Adobe Reader, you can get it free here.
If anyone has pattern charting software and wants to chart the pattern for me, I would be very grateful. E-mail me. *Just a few hours later and Lauren has already charted it for me! So the link above now has a second page that is the chart.
If you notice any errors, please e-mail me.
Did I mention that I have the new Opal Hundertwasser 2 sock yarn in stock? I think one of these may be my next project. I don't often knit self-patterning socks for myself, but the colors in these are really nice.