James is becoming so fun. He's standing up, chattering, making monster sounds instead of crying, and giving me lopsided grins with his tongue stuck halfway out. Running my own business lets me have a flexible schedule, and I get to spend lots of time with him. You'd think that seeing him and all his little faces would grow old over time- you'd think I'd get used to seeing his little chin and roly poly thighs. But I haven't at all. Each time he wakes up from a nap, or each time I walk through the door after being gone for even a few minutes, I get so excited to see him! It's like he's all new all over again- like I need to see how he's changed in the few minutes or hours since I last gazed at that goofy face. And I was thinking today, Is this how it's going to be my entire life? When he's 35 years old and comes to visit, will I want to smooch his grown-up cheek just like I plant them his little baby lips now? Will he be embarrassed? Will I care?
I don't know why I'm thinking this way. Perhaps it's because Joe's family lives a couple states away and I wonder if his mom feels that something is missing, just like I do when I leave the house for a couple hours. And if so, how am I going to handle that when little James leaves for college?
Tell me I'm crazy if you want. I know I shouldn't think so far ahead when I have such exciting things to look forward to until then. But it's just what I do. Why enjoy what you have when you can worry about what's to come??
Lest you think I have forgotten that you do want to hear about yarn, I have some fiber-related things to tell you about! None of these are on the website this morning (that's why there are no links), but here's a preview of what's to come later today or tomorrow:
Cherry Tree Hill has dyed a new colorway, Cherry Blossom. This colorway was specially dyed for their UK distributor and is now available here. I'm told it's a limited run- I don't know if this means that they won't be adding it to their regular line up or what. But I did order quite a few so that I wouldn't run out right away. If you do see it disappear though, I'll reorder and get it back as quickly, so that as many of you can snag some as possible!
ALPACA SOX. The new sock yarn from Classic Elite. Super soft and fuzzy. Lots of colors. Yes, it's so tasty that I could only put together small sentences. It's the first alpaca sock yarn that I've found that I like.... and I'm looking for others if you have suggestions.
Spread the news: Many of the Opal collections I have in stock will soon, and permanently, go on sale. These collections are no longer being shipped to the US, and the distributor is clearing out their stock, so I'm able to get a fabulous deal and pass it on to you. I'm not talking a tiny discount- I'm talking 40%. If you are on a yarn diet, this could break you...
And as if all that weren't enough, I have some more Lexie Barnes bags here in two sizes and three fabric options. The larger size is perfect for your current sock project, and the smaller size fits your notions. I adore these bags. Fun fabrics and very high quality.
Ooo, please post an update when they are on the site - that CTH looks gorgeous, and I've been dying to see the Alpaca Sox!
You're so cute with your baby worries! Of course you'll love him so much forever and ever, but once college comes? Well, he'll have put you through adolescent hell by then, so maybe it will be easier to let him leave the nest. And you can be sure he'll be back with laundry in tow... :)
Posted by: Loribird | October 30, 2007 at 08:47 AM
If you are crazy then so am I. My little one is 6 and I still want to scoop her up daily.
Posted by: Jennifer | October 30, 2007 at 10:25 AM
Baby love is one of the best loves! I have to agree with Loribird though. By the time they get through their teen years, it's kind of a relief to send them off to college. I'm convinced the teens were designed by God to ease us through the separation anxiety!
Posted by: Leah | October 30, 2007 at 10:49 AM
When I had my daughter (who is now 17 1/2!) and was out with her for one of the first times after she was born, a woman came up to me and said that mothering was a "total love affair." I was so tired and dragged out then because she was getting up every 2 hours and was very collicky so I couldn't really respond to her other than to just smile. It didn't take me long to figure out what she meant. Now that my daughter is making college applications (and yes, I have been dreading this since she went off to kindergarden), I can't imagine my life being any other way than with her in it. I am smiling as I write this and know that when we take her to college next fall, I will need to smile as we unload her boxes, but will be a mess of tears as we drive away. Your son is lucky to have you in his life and you are lucky too. Johanna
Posted by: Johanna | October 30, 2007 at 12:31 PM
I am so lucky - my daughter moved back to this city after college (700 miles away), and my son is talking of doing the same (he's *only* 300 miles away). If they wanted to live halfway around the world, I would support their decision... but I'm so glad they don't!
I wish I could either knit faster or devote more time to it - no more yarn purchases until I use up at least some of what I already have. But that Cherry Blossom looks luscious!
Posted by: Abby | October 31, 2007 at 11:40 AM
Ya know. Last night my 11 yo was Trick or Treating and he is my youngest and tears came to my eyes as I realized that another milestone in life is over as this is probably the last year he will Trick or Treat. As your children get older it hits you more at moments then all the time that this love that you have for them is so poignant and wondeful...by the way can't wait to see the new yarn!!
Posted by: natalie | October 31, 2007 at 12:20 PM
its amazing, love for our children keeps getting stronger and deeper. Its hard to imagine that when they are infants that you could love them anymore, but you will!
Posted by: Amanda Cathleen | November 03, 2007 at 04:57 PM